Side Door Ventures is a global venture capital firm investing in audacious founders building the future at the fringe. We’re generalist investors and back teams across software, life sciences, space, frontier tech, blockchain, gaming, and financial services that aim to transform industries and improve lives.

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fund strategies

Seed Fund

Up to $500K first checks into early-stage companies across a wide range of sectors including frontier tech, life sciences, fintech and SaaS. 50% of this flagship, generalist fund is reserved for follow-on investments to continue to support founders as their companies grow.

Michigan Fund

Up to $1.5M lead checks exclusively into Michigan-headquarted seed-stage companies, with a focus on manufacturing, advanced mobility, AI/ML, clean energy, and deep tech verticals. SDV remains committed to helping build a successful growth flywheel that transforms Michigan into a global tech ecosystem.

Digital Asset Fund

Up to $300K first checks into Web3 companies building both natively on-chain as well as at the intersection of crypto and traditional industries. With 40+ patents and over a decade of experience in Web3, SDV strives to maintain its role as a true ecosystem player and a trusted resource for founders.

Opportunity Fund

Up to $5M into fast-scaling Series A+ companies across a broad mandate of sectors, including fintech, SaaS and frontier tech. The fund is structured to write first checks to net-new portfolio companies, as well as continue to support SDV's breakout companies from the Seed Fund and the Digital Asset Fund.


We’re a globally distributed team of founders, biotech scientists, space engineers, and growth experts that have joined forces to help audacious founders and their world changing ideas achieve escape velocity.